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Fabienne Doris Bettinger converted to islam


Fabienne Doris Bettinger, a cashier in Stutgart, Germany, chose Islam.

 Influenced by his Muslim friends and researching Islam, Bettinger said: “I felt very good. I wanted to be a Muslim for a long time. Nobody told me to choose Islam. I chose it myself. Because Islam is a beautiful religion. When I became a Muslim, I couldn't help myself, I cried," he said. 

Islam is the final and true, uncorrupted religion

Islam easily appeals to people with good hearts.

Surah Al-i Imran, verse 8: "Our Lord, after guiding us, do not turn our hearts away, and grant us mercy from Yourself. You are the One with the most donations."

Surah Muhammad, verse 17: As for those who have found guidance; (Allah) has increased their guidance and given their taqwa.

Surah Maryam, verse 76: Allah increases guidance for those who are guided. Persistent good deeds are better in the Sight of your Lord in terms of rewards and better in terms of results.

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