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Prophet Muhammad in the Bible and Torah


• In the undistorted bible, the Prophet Jesus stated that there would be a final Prophet after him. Today, this situation exists even in corrupted Bibles despite all the distortions.

1. In the 16th verse of the 14th chapter of the Gospel of John;

God will give you another Helper.

[Christians insist on translating the word (Comfort,helper ) as (Spirit).


2. In the 26th verse of the Gospel of John, he says, "This true comforter will teach you everything and will remind you of what I taught you."

[Christians insist on translating the word (Comfort,helper ) as (Spirit).

The name Paraclete is close to the name of Prophet Muhammad. The Greek word Parakletos means "helper". The Greek word Periklutos means "praised". Ahmed, one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad, also means "praised".

3. In the 13th verse of the 16th chapter of the Gospel of John, he says, "He will guide you to every truth. For He will not tell you anything by himself, but will inform you what Allah has said." [Christians insist on translating the word (Comfort,helper ) as (Spirit).


4. In the Torah, it is written that a Prophet from the Arab race will come.

In the 15th verse of the 18th chapter of Deuteronomy, it is written that Moses said to the Israelites, "The Lord will bring forth a Prophet like me from among your brothers and sisters for you." The brothers of the Israelites are the Ismailis, that is, the Arabs. This is the last Prophet, who is written in the Bible and the Torah, and who is given the good news of his coming from the Arab race, is the Prophet Muhammad.



5. Muhammad is written in the Bible in the original Hebrew language. Tune of souls (5.16) Isaiah (42.1)

6. Hz. If there were no prophets after Jesus; Hz. Jesus (pbuh) would said, "There will be no prophet after me, whoever claims to be a prophet after me is a liar." He would have said it openly, but on the contrary, he said:

“I will no longer speak to you: for the ruler of this world is coming, and I have nothing of him.” (John, Chapter 14, Verse: 30)


7. “John's testimony was this: He spoke plainly, not denying: “I am not the Messiah.” he spoke frankly. They said to him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?" they asked: “I am not.” said. “Are you that prophet?” they said. John: “No.” he replied…"


From this verse, it can be understood that "that prophet" Hz. He is a different person from Jesus. The one who still did not come at the time of the coming of Jesus and Hz. The prophet who is different from Jesus and referred to as "that prophet" is the Prophet Muhammad.


“I am telling you the truth. My departure is for your benefit. If I don't go, the Paraclete won't come to you. But if I go, I'll send it to you. When he comes, he will convince the world that he is guilty of sin, righteousness, and coming judgment” (John: 16: 7-8) “I have more to say to you, but you cannot stand it now. But when He, the Paraclete, comes, He will lead you to the whole truth. For he will not speak on his own, but will speak only what he has heard, and will tell you what is to come” (John 16:12-13)


8. In the Gospel of Barnabas, it is clearly written that Jesus Christ announced that the last Prophet would come, that his name would be Ahmad [same as meaning Muhammad]. The Bible written by Barnabas was read in the churches of Alexandria until 325 AD. This Bible is said to be still in the Imperial Library of Vienna. Throughout history, the supporters of Barnabas were killed for saying "Jesus is not a god". The Gospel of Barnabas was tried to be destroyed.



9. In this Gospel, Jesus Christ says:

I cannot forgive sins, only Allah forgives sins. (chapter 71)

He breaks idols. Thanks to him, people know God and I am recognized as genuine. (Chapter 72),

That apostle will come from the south. (chapter 96),

The name of that messenger is Ahmed. (chap. 97)


10. “Jesus, son of Mary; He said, 'O Children of Israel, I am the messenger of Allah sent to you, confirming the Torah that came before me and giving good news of a prophet named Ahmad who will come after me'" (Saf 61/6)

“Those to whom we have given the book know him (the Prophet Muhammad) as they know their own sons. But those who harm themselves do not believe” (Al-An’am 6/20)


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