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Why does Allah use the term "we" for herself in the Qur'an?

 • In the Qur'an, Allah sometimes says "I" and sometimes "we".

• The reason why the expression “I-me” is used in the Qur'an is that there are verses directly related to the Essence of Allah.

• In some of the verses that are addressed as "we", there is often an intermediary. For example, in the verses about the revelation of the Qur'an, it is expressed as "We sent it down". Angel Gabriel is the mediator between Allah and the Prophet.

• Other than that, in the expressions "we", Allah shows His greatness, power and divinity with these verses.

• In this case, it does not come to mind that there is more than one God.

• In real life, we use the word "we and you" for our elders. This usage is also found in the Qur'an.

• Most Eastern languages ​​have two plurals; plural of numbers and plural of respect. So, "We" and "Our"  are plural of reverence referring to Almighty Allah.

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