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Allah's attributes


Allah's attributes

There is Allah. (Hadid 3)

Allah is alive. (Baqara 255)

Allah is one and only. (Ikhlas 1, Baqara 163)

Allah is unique. Allah has no partners, spouses or rivals. (Ihlas 4, Enam 101)

Allah has no father, mother, sons, daughters, or wives.(Ihlas 3)

Allah is beyond time and space (Ihlas 2)

Allah is not needy, Allah is absolute. (Ihlas 2)

Allah's power is all everything enough.(Baqara 20, Ali Imran 26, Maide 17…)

Allah is eternal and immortal; first and last. (Furkan, 58, Hadid 3, Baqara 255)

Allah's existence is from Himself. (Baqara 255)

Allah is always in a state of creation (Rahman 29)

Allah's mercy encompasses everything. (Araf 156)

Allah sees and hears everything. (Baqara 96, Enam 13…)

Allah is not three and not three of three. (Nisa, 171)

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