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Is Islam a copy of other religions?


Is Islam a copy of other religions?

• People were a single ummah. Then Allah sent prophets as givers of glad tidings and warners. Those who were given the Book among the people about the matters in which they differed, after the clear proofs had come, they differed in religion out of jealousy among themselves. Thereupon, Allah showed those who believed, with His permission, the truth over which they differed.

• In addition to certain “unchangeable” provisions for all the religions that Allah sent, he has also set “rules that can change according to the situation” for every nation. (Sunnatullah is unchanging.)

• A prophet was sent to every nation.

We have certainly sent a prophet to every nation, saying: "Worship Allah and avoid the persecutors". (Nahl 36)

• Most of the religions have come from God but have been corrupted by people. Prophets were also denied and killed.

… This was because they denied the verses of Allah and killed the prophets unjustly (Baqara 61).

• Both the text and the religion have been subjected to falsification.

The “pure and undistorted state” of all religions coming from God essentially carries the characteristics of tawhid (pure religion). The features of this pure religion can also be found in worship. The fact that religions are similar in various ways does not mean that the next religion copies the previous one. On the contrary, it indicates that some of the provisions and worships have not changed. After all, it all came from God.

He has also made a law for you that which We revealed to you and that which We entrusted to Abraham, Moses and Jesus. (Nisa 163)

 This is the law of God that has been going on for a long time. You will not find any change in God's law." (Fetih 23)

• The Qur'an clearly expresses some of the facts that it conveyed from previous books.

The Qur'an already states that the revelation comes from a single source, namely Allah, and that divine religions bring the same principles and universal truths in matters of faith, worship and morality.

The basic principles of the Qur'an have also been mentioned in the previous book. (Şuara 196)

In fact, these provisions are also found in the first pages, in the pages of Abraham and Moses. (Ala 18-19)

 He has also made a law for you that which We revealed to you and that which We entrusted to Abraham, Moses and Jesus. (Nisa 163)

This is the law of God that has been going on for a long time. You will not find any change in God's law." (Fetih 23)

Say: O people! The Truth (Qur'an) has come to you from your Lord. Now whoever comes to the right path will come only for himself. And whoever goes astray, he will only go astray against himself. (10/108)

Islam is not a copy of other religions. Islam is the last true religion chosen by Allah due to distorted religions.

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