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• Islam is a way of life and the construction of a civilization.

(Verses of law, justice, zakat, morality, worship, science, thinking, family and society

• Islam is a system of law and justice.

(Hadid 25, Nahl 90, Shuara 183, Maide 8.48, Casiye 18, Nisa 58, 105,135, Araf 29)

• Islam is the establishment of goodness and good morals and the shaping of character.

Baqara 83 Nahl 90 Nisa 36, Araf 199 Human 9, Nahl 30, Ali Imran 104

• Islam is a school where science and knowledge are embraced.

Taha 114, Zumar 9, Alak 1-5, Mücadele 11, Baqara 129, 151, Tevbe 122

• Islam is a religion whose essence is tawhid, unity and brotherhood.

Baqara 163, 220, Ihlas 1-4 , Ali Imran 103, 105, Hucurat 10

• Islam is a message that makes us question our life and universe.

Baqara 164, Fussilet 53, Enam 32, Araf 169, Anfal 22, Yunus 100,101 Rad 4, Nahl 12, Müminun 80, Kasas 60, Mümin 67, Casiye 3,4,5, Yunus 24, Nahl 44

• Islam is an explanation and warning for death and beyond. (Verses about the Hereafter)

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