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"Kill them wherever you find them" Non-Muslims clip this verse

Non-Muslims clip the verse in Tawba 29 and Baqarah 191 and create a perception.     "Kill them wherever you find them"

CIZYA: It is a tax collected once a year to protect the life and property of non-Muslim citizens living in an Islamic state from taxpayers. The reason for taking the jizya is that it protects the taxpayer called dhimmi from death and the non-Muslim does not do military service.

191-192. The meaning of "they" in the expression "kill them where you catch them" is the enemy side that wages war against the Muslims mentioned in the previous verse. Undoubtedly, the rules of peace in times of peace apply and the rules of war in times of war. In the second part of the previous verse, after unjust attacks and all kinds of extremism were prohibited and the basic moral principle of the war was clearly stated, it is presented here as the necessity of winning the war by attacking the enemy and killing his soldiers. Because a war is entered to win. The first condition of winning a war in which manpower is of primary importance -especially in classical war conditions- is to break the enemy's manpower. It is meaningless to speak of "peace" when the realities of life make it necessary to fight to prevent evil.

“Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight you. But do not attack unfairly. Surely, Allah does not love the transgressors. Kill them wherever you catch them. Take them out from where they took you out. Fitna (torturing for apostasy) is worse than murder. Only do not fight them there unless they fight you near the Masjid al-Haram, but if they wage war against you, fight them too. Such is the punishment of the disbelievers.” (Baqara, 2/190-191)

The verses above point to the universal principles of war.

In these verses, "Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight you", "But do not attack unjustly", "Do not fight them there unless they fight you near the Masjid al-Haram." The expressions in the text reveal the universal principles. Because, here are the principles that are befitting human dignity and that are always valid:

“Fight those who attack you/who decide to fight you...”;

"but don't attack unjustly out of the blue..."

“Even while you are fighting, do not go beyond your limits by killing women, children, the elderly, priests and similar people who have no other purpose than to practice their religion, which Islam has envisioned.”

The expressions in the 29th verse of the chapter of at-Tawba are an order for the environment of war. Because, after the conquest of Mecca, the Byzantines, the Christian Ghassanids, who were in the Damascus region and under their protection, made plans and prepared soldiers to attack the Muslims. The Tabuk expedition took place in such an environment after the revelation of this verse. In other words, the issue is again about the other party's attempt to

As in Christianity, statements such as "love your enemy and forgive them" are unrealistic. Because if the enemy drives you out of your homeland and tries to kill you because of your belief, you have to respond. History shows us that Christians did everything to achieve victory, including dropping atomic bombs.     

   The religion of Islam does not see any war in which innocent people are killed as legitimate, and allows fighting when the enemy is persecuting and trying to kill.                                

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