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Head of Swedish church's youth branch converts to Islam


Head of Swedish church's youth branch converts to Islam

His name is Hugo. He is a Swedish doctor. His father is an atheist and his mother is a Christian. But while he was a Christian and in the youth branch of the church, he decided to become a Muslim. In this difficult decision, especially the "Fatiha Surah" is decisive. Hugo is influenced by the Arabic recitation of Surah Fatiha. This beautiful person, who is also affected by the atmosphere of Ramadan, feels peace when he listens to Surah Fatiha and decides to become a Muslim. He had previously done research on Islam and read the translation of the Qur'an. In his own statements, he says: "I read about Islam, I read the translation of the Qur'an. I argued with priests, I talked with Muslims. Deeply I felt that I was actually a Muslim."

When a person sincerely researches the religion of Islam and works for it, he can easily understand that the true religion is Islam. Islam is the most beautiful religion. The religion accepted by Allah is Islam. Guidance is the most valuable reward in the world. Man was not born in vain. Therefore, he needs to understand and research why he is in the world and the mission assigned to him. Islam has answered all these questions most clearly. May Allah guide the sincere people and those who reflect.

Whoever Allah wants to guide, He opens his chest to Islam. And whoever wishes to lead him astray, he makes his chest narrow and troubled, as if it were rising to the sky.

 An'am / 125. Verse

Whoever Allah guides, it is he who finds the right way. And whoever misleads, they are the losers. 

A'raf / 178. Verse

Say: “O people! Surely, the Qur'an, which is the truth, has come to you from your Lord. Now whoever chooses the right path has chosen for his own benefit; And whoever strays from the right path, he strays to his own detriment. I am not an authority over you who has taken responsibility for your actions!” 

Yunus / Verse 108

Now, whoever chooses the right path, chooses it only for his own good. Whoever strays from the right path, he strays only to his own detriment. No one bears the burden of another's sin and is judged by it.

 Isra / Verse 15

Allah further increases the loyalty and submission of those who follow the right path. Good deeds that endure are better in the sight of their Lord both in terms of reward and better in results! 

Mary / Verse 76

Allah has sent down the Qur'an, which is the most beautiful of speech, in the form of a book whose verses are in harmony with each other, harmonious, and full of truth. The skins of those who have a deep respect for their Lord tremble under its influence; then both their skins and their hearts warm and soften to the remembrance of Allah. This book is Allah's guide to the true path by which He guides whom He wills. Whoever Allah misleads, there is no one to guide him. 

Zümer / Verse 23

My Messenger! We have sent down the book to you as the truth so that you may explain to the people the matters for which they are responsible. Now whoever finds the right way, it is for his own good. And whoever strays from the way, strays to his own detriment. You are not a surrogate responsible for their salvation!

Zümer / Verse 41

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